



Wednesday, October 11, 2017




Updated in 2024 w/addition of song of the same title
See YouTube link attached:

  ** The illustrator of the picture is Paula Mills, poem and coloring by Grace Liu


Friday, October 6, 2017


步道變奏曲 系列

10/6/2017(rev. 1/13/2024)


𢹂著 iPhone 6 以代目,一路從雲光幻化看到草叢中的小生命。步道旁一條小溪流蜿蜒流注不到一里路的公園小湖,麻雀雖小五臟俱全。鹿躍山間,水鳥亂飛;白鷺、蒼鹰、鵲鳥忙著築巢;白尾灰兔(cottontails ) 長耳大跑兔(jackrabbits ) 競走;松鼠四竄、螞蟻搬家,各司其職。就我一人閒著,還替它們錄像寫生,記錄這些天下小事。



                                                  三 :  飛鳥                                                  


Friday, September 29, 2017

讀書隨筆 - Animalwise by Virginia Morell

Animal Wise
Virginia Morell


讀書會新近讀了本講述不同動物,由微渺的螞蟻說到大象,海豚及狗的書,書名 "Animal Wise" by Virginia Morell.  其中探討研究動物的心智和感情,在近年來頗有新發現。立論中:動物有能力學習,並非全由基因決定行為,書中提到的研究之一即以螞蟻為例證。動物亦有感情包括同理心-- 如海豚及大象:大象會守護在死去的同類身旁,久久不肯離去,也會記得離散數十年的同類親友,海豚則會救助其他動物脫離險境,包括人類在內。

動物和人的關係有不少模式,有些為柤上肉如牛羊豬豕,有些則為僕友如馬和狗。問題是人類一直以來自許為萬物之靈,有些甚而認為萬物中只有人類才有靈魂,其餘在進化轋中低於人者所具備的僅為 programmed behaviors 如 Pavalov 對狗做的實驗。當然現今的學者已明白更多昨日論斷之誤。

然而人類最大的問題在於心態:有人説是「以人為中心的思維模式」。歸結到底是人類的強者心態,在動物界中以神自居,強行主宰其他生物的命運,或者以一己好惡來替牠們做決定。所謂的 Anthropomorphism (賦以人性特質)小則養在家中的寵物如鸚鵡教牠說人話,小狗教牠學站、握手等人類的動作,或是將其打扮成各式各樣人的形象就像去參加化妝舞會一樣。大則強行改造動物基因,近數世紀來培育出許多不同體型及性向的貓狗,終極目標不過是為廣開客源,製造市場需求的新品種以飽私囊。再就是早期人類在拓荒或遊獵過程中對野生動物之濫殺,造成了許多動物絕種,近世紀以來雖有國際立法保護瀕臨絕種動物,亡羊補牢勉強補過,並無法挽回這些對自然界的損害。



Monday, September 18, 2017

My Antonia by Willa Cather

My Antonia (1918)
By Willa Cather


Willa Cather is one of the early 20th Century American writers along with contemporaries such as Theodore Dreiser ("Sister Carrie", 1900) and Sinclair Lewis ("Main Street", 1930) who wrote about ordinary people in their days and gave the characters they portrayed distinct faces and voices with a place and time evoking reminiscence of the early days of the settlers.

"My Antonia" is about the immigrant families around the late19th Century in Nebraska who struggled against hostile elements and poverty making a life for themselves with hardworking and dignity.  While immigrant experiences are overall similar those who came to settle in this part of the world are filled with stories to tell what they left behind in the old countries they came from.

Mr. Shimerda, a Bohemian, left behind him an intellectual and cultural surroundings more sophisticated than the home he found here in a dugout cave where his family lived like primitive people.  The two Russian neighbors Peter and Pavel on the other hand came to the new land to escape the stigma of a nightmarish experience back home which laden them with guilt and scorns from their country men.  Immigrants in recent history more or less came to this country in search of a better life.  Nonetheless they were not equally rewarded.  Those stories made up the first part of the narration of the book.

Antonia, our heroine, the elder daughter of Shimerda, was put to work  alongside her older brother doing a man's work starting at a tender young age.  Antonia's father later on committed suicide in disillusion of the new world and in a desperate attempt to rid himself from the burden of his large Bohemian family.

A few more female characters in the book however persisted in climbing the upward social ladder on their own.  Among them, Lena, a Norwegian immigrant's daughter from another prairie farm, despite the bad girl image bestowed on her by the town and country folks alike, her effort as well as her talent landed her amid the rank of successful fashion designers of the days.

As time moved on and progress gradually emerged in this desolate land, lives in general were moving from rudimentary subsistence to more luxurious environment.  The second part of the book' dwells in the transition as our narrator Jim Burden's family moved to a nearby town.

This is a rather universal theme.  We can easily find parallels in many other societies.  Taiwan, for example, has gone from similar social transformation from early 20th century's simple folk lives in farms or towns to the late century's affluence in urban dwellers.

Aside from the immigrants' experience which the author shed in ample amount and realistic details, I also enjoyed reading the book for her prosy writing which breathes fresh air every page you turn.  Her depiction of the countryside often fills with imageries from nature our immigrant farmers surrounding themselves with on a daily basis.  We can easily conjure vivid pictures in our mind's eye from passages filled with such florid colors mixing with all sorts of sounds and smell coming from outdoors living and from inside the dwellings of farm structures.

Colors splashed over page after page such as: copper-red grass, gold-washed sky, the blond pastures, ash grove or flowers blooming in pink and purple masses. Intimate account of farm life brings back our own childhood where sunshine was as bright as gold and grass as lustrous green when we were young.

All the while an undercurrent of social structures and mores of a time surfaced in between lines where prejudices against new immigrants and women in general were rampant.  It was hard living for the immigrants and their sons and daughters, but in the end those who help themselves also get help when they need it the most.  This includes those came from narrator Jim Burden's grandparents who often came to their aid in time of distress.  There were also less than decent folks around such as the loan shark in town who fed on the less fortunate.  All of them however were real people, characters the author used to know or encountered in her younger days living on Nebraska prairie.

Facing all these difficulties, the handful of immigrants' daughters, including Antonia, ultimately reached their goal of making life better for themselves and provides their offsprings with decent living.  Success  means different things for each one of them.  Antonia was leading a happy life when Jim Burden revisited the prairie years after they separated in their youth.  She now built herself a house furnished with necessary amenities and with many children and a husband around.  It was a typical American Dream fulfilled for any immigrant at least in those days.  Without a doubt this book is an excellent work of art and an important study of a time and place in American history.


Wednesday, September 13, 2017

"Reading Alice Munro"

Dear Friend*:

Hope this note finds you at a less busy and relaxed time which may not come by for a while.  We had a wonderful time reflecting on Alice Munro's stories at our meeting last Monday.  Although there are only 8 of us, each of us had quite a few things to say about her stories.  The following is a few of my thoughts after reading her short stories collection titled "Carried Away".  I enjoyed reading them all, particularly:  "Hateship, Friendship, ....etc.", " Runaway" and "The Bear Came Over the Mountain" the latter was made into a recent film played by Julie Christie "Away from Her".

Her stories often feature females with relationship problems and those in the above mentioned stories were especially intriguing to me.  In the first story "Hateship", Johanna, a woman with no background and no prospect in any type of relationships was able to succeed in a marriage beyond her means by way of some mischiefs of two teenagers.  The ending of this story was skillfully woven into the last few lines.  By means of an obituary ad. of her past employer, we learn what happened in her new life she created for herself instead of an epilogue many Victorian style novels use in the past.

In "Runaway", Carla is yet another woman suffering from the bombardment of irrational demands from her husband.  The ending of the story (withheld here so as not to spoil the fun for potential readers) is a surprise to me.  Being a modern reader, I was expecting to find her landing a life free from the dominance of a not very kind husband but it did not turn out this way.

The third story "The Bear Came over the Mountain " though seems to be narrated from the point of view of the husband Grant, the focal character is really the wife Fiona.  It is indeed a very touching story and the film based on the story is also equally well done.

I could go on and on just to recite the interesting characters including the minor ones in some stories and the unusual twists and turns in several of them.

Hope you can find time to read just a few stories some other time.

*This was a letter I sent to Jane C. Telling her about the book we just discussed at our monthly which she missed while traveling.

Friday, July 28, 2017

《老書新讀》- "It Can't Happen Here" by Sinclair Lewis

It Can't Happen Here
Sinclair Lewis (1935)
(Our bookclub read in 2016, essay written in 2017)

馬克吐溫說:「真相比虛構故事更離奇。」"Truth is stranger than fiction.  That's because fiction is obliged to stick to probabilities, truth isn't."  他說:小說總要遵從可能性(邏輯)的原則,真實事件往往不依循既定方向發展。八十多年前的這本美國政治小說故事雖屬虛構,卻也非完全不可思議。䁵目今日的政治局勢更是瞬息萬變,全然不依既定的軌跡發展。

作者 Sinclair Lewis 寫過不少經典名著,包括《大街》 " Main Street " ( 1920 ) 及《巴比特》 " Babbit " ( 1922 )。 " It Can't Happen Here " 出版當年一時之間成為最暢銷之書,固


這是一本「主題掛帥」的書,內容重於形式,書中諷刺的政治現實無寧視為當世之「警世寓言」,它的宣傳效應,足令後世的國人在面對民主危機時做為借鏡。 故事背景的三十年代初期由於經濟大蕭條影響社會動盪不安,民粹主義高漲,野心家們藉著不同議題覬覦總統大位,其中一位言辭頗具煽動力的政客 Buzz Windrip,提出幾項符合當時一些「被遺忘的人民」之政策,包括限制猶太人的權益及一些現在看來完全政治不正確的平台。 原來Buzz 此人不過是位沒什麼背景的平常人,他瞭解平常人的偏見和理想,一般人很容易接受他的論調,尤其當他開了一張當選即兌現的支票,每位公民都可以領到五仟元現金(在三十年代是個天文數字)。事實上他背後的一位謀士 Lee Sarason 才是真正策劃一切的主腦,這位不學無術的 Windrip 先生終究當選為美國總統,故事情節這才開始緊鑼密鼓的排展開來。

坐上總統寶座之後的 Buzz 開始實行極權專制,包括解除國會權力,殘害異議人士,建立自己的軍隊名之 The Minute Men 到處捕捉反對他的人,包括寫社論批評時局的新聞從事人員。極具諷刺意味的一些插曲:競選時高喊降低失業人口,上任後為消除異己,將一批批閒置及反對人士送入集中營中強迫勞動,立即宣稱已無失業人口;在恐怖籠罩全民氛圍之下,競選前承諾人民的五仟元自然也成了一紙空頭支票。

這個故事聽起來似乎不太可能發生在當時的美國,It Can't Happen Here! 然而三十年代同時之間的歐洲也正是法西斯 Fascists 希特勒和墨索里尼掌權及共產主義蔓延的年代,動盪不安的美國似乎也出現了步向同一趨向的各種癥兆。

作者對歷史的反思藉由主角人物  Doremus Jessup ,一位盡忠職守的新聞記者,提出他對政治及民主的理念。他的思考是:激進的理想主義者,是否反而成為妨礙到人類進步的敵人?安份忠於職守的人是否才是社會的中流砥柱?狂熱份子不論左傾或右傾通常是盲目的,尤其在愛國的旗幟之下成為暴民的群眾,在煽動下什麼事都做的出來。上世紀六十年代在中國發生的文化大革命,歷史影像依舊歷歷在目,恰可做個相當鮮明的對照。

持續為民喉舌的 Jessup 也終於被捕下獄,監禁在新政府的集中營,其中過程細節也無需細述,總之充滿了施虐等暴行的人間地獄,至此幾乎連有良心的知識份子也被噤聲了。

這是本政治小說,目的在耳提面命當年的一般老百姓及知識分子,剖陳法西斯及集權政治之恐怖內幕,警示即將到來的大選(此書於 1935 年大選前一年發行)可能成為野心家實現極權的一道捷徑。歷史告訴我們,作者的過慮並未成為事實,是不是他的暢銷書或多或少起了些許警惕作用? 雖是虛構小說,作者筆下的描述卻相當真實,包括三十年代的政治社會種種現象以及人心向背;小人得志濫用權力;知識份子有心卻無力反抗等種種人性弱點之揣摹也頗精準。

主角 Jessup 在天搖地動的鉅大變遷之下,為了適應現狀,心態及觀念起了微妙變化,但他始終没有改變初衷做出違背自己信念,亦不曾如他自己兒子一般選擇附從新政府,助長貫徹種種不法政策。書中次要人物寫的或許比較樣板化,主角這個人物倒頗真實。他有一般常人的因循和迂邁,也有異於常人的洞見和執著。在暴政之下光是存活都不容易,在生死存亡時刻仍能不屈不撓,堅持自己理念做對得起自己良心的事,這是在任何國家和社會都迫切需要的中流砥柱。

Grace 寫於 7/27/2017

Saturday, June 24, 2017


- 兼説王度𠫂武俠小說之特色
(6/23/2017 - updated with author notes【後註】
* 原文寫於 1980 年代


當我無意中發現王度廬 (註一) 這一套寫武當俠士的系列小說之時,真是如獲至寶。這個以 「鶴鐵」系列著稱的言情武俠小說是由「鶴驚崑崙」開端,續之以「寶劍金釵」、「劍氣珠光」、「臥虎藏龍」,最後以「鐵騎銀瓶」收尾的一套五部書的洋洋鉅作。



且看他如何安排玉小姐的第一次出場。作者除了極言她的艶麗及尊貴,並無過多筆墨渲染,讀者十分有可能會被矇混過而不知此乃真主角也。尤有甚者在接下來發生的 "碧眼狐狸" 案件其間,作者始終不透露真相,而是經由劉泰保以第三人稱旁觀的觀點推動故事情節,甚至全書前四分之一的篇幅都用在劉泰保這個京都混混身上。


正當讀者摒息以待後事分曉的當兒,作者卻筆鋒一轉,且把情節打住,反倒敍起前事來。他由玉嬌龍幼時說起,寫她如何學會一身難測的本事,其武功之來龍去脈,後來又如何結識大盜羅小虎等事,開場時的關鍵人物 "碧眼狐狸" 的來歷出身也同時交待了。


下面就試著分析玉嬌龍的個性來說明那諸般驚世駭俗的事跡其來亦有自。她是王度廬筆下最成功的角色之一。出身閥閲巨室,父親官拜九門提督,幾乎就是天子腳底下京城第一號有權勢的人。身為這種家庭的獨生掌珠,兩位兄長又長年在外地做官,全家加上親戚門生三千寵愛集於一身,形成了嬌縱任性的性格是可想而知的。尤其是玉太太 - 玉嬌龍之母,更是極端縱容這個嬌女。這或許能說明為什麼隨父任新疆大臣的那些年中,以一個七、八歲小女孩之身,居然能跟著老師高朗秋偸學武功而絲毫不露端倪(金庸第一部武俠小說「書劍恩仇録」中就借用過這個橋段來介紹其中一個人物李沅芷之出埸)。


藝成之後的玉嬌龍早已不甘雌伏閨中,正好藉著隨母赴伊犂母舅家途中遇暴風沙及盜贼之便,隻身仗劍闖沙漠。她與大盜羅小虎的私情種因於此時。在沙漠的時日雖暫,諸事紛至沓來,作者娓娓敍來雖說屢屢出人意表 ,卻也入情近理。按玉嬌龍儘管嬌縱蠻橫、手段毒辣,其實心腸極軟。當她聽到羅小虎悲慘的生平時,即付予最大的同情,並亟思助他脫離強盜生涯另謀出身。後來她和劉泰保、蔡湘妹鬪法時也屢思退讓不願傷及無辜之人。








王度廬也擅長以對話來襯出人物個性,自己不輕下考語。他利用書中人物對某角色的評語來烘托其人多樣面貌。如李慕白在好友德嘯風口中是:「這人就是太拘泥,太矯情。」,在反面人物冒五語下則:「他那人是.......... 心高氣狹。」雖然在一般人眼中和俞秀蓮心目他肯定相當接近完美:英俊瀟灑、懂規矩、重然諾,但也有卑鄙的一面。塗山當心寺偷盜智能和尚的點穴譜(見第三部「劍氣珠光」)就一點都不光彩。在「臥虎藏龍」中巧奪玉嬌龍的劍譜,雖說是他的師父江南鶴原先之物,都說明他的私心重。然而瑕不掩瑜,他那光芒萬丈的英雄氣概仍是叫人欽服,也證明這是個有血有肉的真人!









他又提到王度廬的「臥虎藏龍」中的女主角玉嬌龍,雖是小說中的人物,卻是個鲜活的例子。玉嬌龍確是她那年代難得一見的奇女子,是我們今日社會中說的" 女強人 " 。她出身閥閱世家,父親貴為九門提督,京城中最有權勢之人。她身懷絕技,不甘嫁入安排的婚姻而出走。在江湖流浪的日子中,不知打了多少強項惡霸,也同李慕白余秀蓮等英雄豪傑一爭短長亳不遜色。可是她的結局也同許多平凡女子一般淒慘。被迫離家遠走大漠,隱姓埋名,不僅無法和心愛的人相守,見了親生兒子也不敢相認,真的是被制度犧牲的強女子最佳寫照。


王度廬(1909年-1977年),滿族,原名王葆祥(後改名葆翔),字霄羽。“度廬”是其寫武俠小説時用的筆名。 [1]  他與“奇幻仙俠派”還珠樓主、“社會反諷派”宮白羽、“幫會技擊派”鄭證因、“奇情推理派”朱貞木共稱“北派五大家”。


30年代中期,王度廬改寫武俠小説,以言情小説的筆法創造了武俠小説的一個新的天地。王度廬的特點,是能夠充分把握江湖兒女內心的矛盾、人性的掙扎、愛恨交織的複雜情境,寫情則纏綿悱惻、蕩氣迴腸,寫義則慷慨俠烈、血淚交迸,並因此譜成一部壯烈深沉的“武俠悲愴命運交響曲”使“劍膽琴心俠骨柔腸”的書劍名士之氣和恩仇江湖之情深入到武俠小説的靈魂深處  - 百度百科


"The King of Masks", China, 1996, directed by Wu Tianming, 能在網上或 Netflix 找到,圖書館也應該能找到。友人 Amy 曾在四川旅遊時看過川劇之「變臉」,據稱此劇有幾種不同結局之版本,吳天明拍的版本是較受歡迎的一種。

Friday, June 23, 2017




自己也買了本 Gianenni 鉅作「閃回」「註一」這本大書,時時翻閱讀它一兩章節,或看幾段老電影的介紹。訝異的是我看過的影片還真不少,沒看過的也讀到過,一邊復習一邊重新體味其中真意也是一大享受。

這幾年來印刻文學的確出了些好書。我找到一本李黎的「半生書縁」記錄三十多年來陸續訪問的中國文學耆宿,包括:茅盾、錢鍾書、楊絳夫婦、劉賓雁及殷海光等文人學者。李黎文章我喜歡她的視野及人文關懷。曾經讀過一篇她給舒明(香港影評人) 寫的一本有關日本電影書之序文,篇名似為「舊情綿綿 - 日本老電影」真是好文章。她也是寫影評之高手。



Grace from 台北

郭松棻 「奔跑的母親」

回到台北又找到一本郭松棻 2002 年初版的的「奔跑的母親」,其中有「月印」及另外四篇中短篇包括「雪盲」等。李渝的「溫州街的故事」則已絶版。(註二)






附註一:「閃回」世界電影史  (2015)  英文版:  ”Flashback- A brief history of film (6th Ed.) by Louis Giannetti 


(1938年8月27日-2005年7月9日),台灣台北市人。父親雪湖為日治時代知名畫家,母親林阿琴亦為畫家,其妻子李渝同為知名小說家。 1958年發表第一篇短篇小說〈王懷和他的女人〉於台灣大學的《大學時代》。1961年台灣大學外文系畢業。1963和1965年在台大外文系代授《英詩選讀》....(維基百科)



Wednesday, June 21, 2017




講評台灣電影的書中,這是本追溯歷史,概括台灣一地電影發展歷程,簡要而全面的一本新書。2015 年底初版,全書僅得 173 頁之多,字體大,排版疏朗,又處處置入風格新頴之插畫,以類似導讀的形式,從大歷史的角度來看臺灣電影。

像講故事一樣娓娓道來,深入淺出可讀性非常高。概括面雖廣,篇章短小立論精闢,不用參考書籍的方式加添註腳出處,卻另開資訊窗口,用定格膠片鑲嵌書中相應部分,簡介重要人物及事件:台灣主要導演如侯孝賢、楊德昌、蔡明亮及李安,電影大事記如金馬影展等。這樣寫法的優點為不因多加說明某事而打斷整體思維,儘量不脫題 (Eliminate digression) 保持敘述脈絡流𣈱無阻。




本書主要章節從 Part 1 :《光陰的故事》説到 八零年代的電影外在環境,及「新電影」對後繼影人的影響。Part 2 :《海角七號》的意義,是台灣電影起死回生的𨍭折點,對整個影界有不可忽視的影響。事實上同一年 2008 中有好幾部影片包括《冏男孩》(我們影社放映過),《九降風》都是讓人刮目相看的作品,但沒受到大衆的關注。之後又有《聽說》2009、《不能沒有你》2009、《艋舺》2010、《陣頭》2012、《總舖師》2013 等所謂台灣電影界的文藝復興時期作品。另一方面,台灣紀錄片異軍突起,帶來不少質和量的豐收。就中姣姣者有:2004 的《生命》描述 921 災後重建的故事,2005 的《無米樂》就地拍攝老農的生命哲學及工作困境,都曾在國內市場造成「紀錄片現象」。2013 的《看見台灣》以高空攝影探討台灣環境的變遷,而後又有不少有關環保議題的紀錄片出現,例如 2015時《老鷹想飛》"Fly, Kite, Fly" 等佳作。

Part 3 以兩岸三地電影結束,簡述兩岸交流帶動合作片之風潮。書中結語概括兩岸三地電影:「...兩岸三地雖有交集,但也有不同的特質和差異,例如中國具備充足的條件拍攝旗艦大片和歷史鉅製,香港對商業電影的開發格外靈活,而台灣電影的創作自由與人文精神,則讓其他兩地難望項背。也因此臺灣小品電影的清新脫俗,仍是陸、港影片中少見的特色。」


A few thoughts on reading "King Leopold's Ghost"

Popular history books have a way of changing readers in terms of enhancing their ability to absorb complicated facts and understand the meaning behind them and ramifications of historical events scholarly books often fail to achieve  - Grace

A few thoughts on reading "King Leopold's Ghost"
Written by Adam Hochschild


A consistent theme runs through a few popular history titles our book club have read in recent years.  "The Meursault Investigation" deals with many issues and conflicts in French colony Algeria before and after its independence.  "Lawrence in Arabia" delineates the exploits by a few imperial powers in their attempts to carve up the Arabian territory during World War I.  And "King Leopold's Ghost" dwells in a small imperial country's many misdeeds in colonizing vast area of the Congo in Africa at the end of 19th century.

Right in the middle of reading "King Leopold's Ghost", I was awed by the sweeping scale and boundless details of events and personalities strutting on stage in the early days of the Free Congo State.  The colony of the Congo was in fact designed and executed almost single-handedly by monarch (King Leopard II) of Belgium, a country only fraction of the size of its acquired land.  Motivations behind the biggest exploit of the time, executions of step by step schemes and all the other fascinating details piqued my curiosity all the while for wanting to learn this piece of history.  It is the kind of books which inform, educate and enlighten that I found hard to put down once you get the gist of the storyline.

What impressed me also are the insights provided by Hochschild with bountiful research data to support him, an array of analyses on the psychology and mores of the time in history which explained partially why this at all happens.

"Colony of the world offers a convenient escape" said the author at one point.  It is to those who were dissatisfied with their own lives and status, the newfound land in the continent of Africa offers opportunities rarely found elsewhere another chance in life to excel, procure wealth and reach fame.  They includes the famous explorer Stanley himself and others, many are rank and file in the military or commercial firms aiming to dig gold in this vast country.

Coming into this remote land where no established rules or law exist except those made by the intruding white men themselves, the visitors tossed all moral trappings from the old world aside and committed cruelties and atrocities unimaginable back home without being held responsible.  Worse even, when the truth of those deeds broke open and reached far and beyond the continent of Africa, they were simply  dismissed, depressed and deliberately forgotten for almost a century since the break of the story.

English writer Joseph Conrad, the author of "Heart of Darkness", described this land with an unique eye. Piercing into the veiled secrets and revealing misdeeds, the horror on human kinds' cruelty against their own kind was ironically disguised in the name of humanity.  On the other hand, he and his peers alike cannot spare the sense of superiority toward African natives whom they sympathized with.  It was the superiority complex of Europeans, compounded with their self righteousness and military powers which conquered the Congo in such short
time that made its inhabitants slaves in their own homeland.

The Belgium reign of the Congo under either King Leopold or by the state of Belgium are not unalike in enforcing forced labor, mutilation and often time killing with military action against the population.  By sacrificing millions of Congo natives a vast fortune was made for the governing body of Free Congo State.  So who is behind all these and who is to be blamed?

This fascinating account tracing back to this piece of history of more than a century earlier makes you ponder about human nature and the truthfulness of history.  Are men by nature selfish and evil?  How can some do those hideous things to their own kind albeit a different race?  What after all is the truth in history we read about?

Understanding that truth is elusive and often time veiled in disguise, this excellent book offers plateful of food for thought to be digested by  readers and students of history alike.


Monday, June 19, 2017

維尼小熊的故事 - Winnie-the-Pooh



有個叫做「百畝森林」的地方住了一頭小熊,名叫維尼。他有好幾位朋友也住在這個森林中,包括兔子、小豬、驢子和貓頭鷹。還有一個叫做 Christopher Robin 的小男孩,住在森林中一棵大橡樹下有著一扇綠色門的房子裡。

故事的主角維尼小熊是個布娃娃,他的所有朋友除了 Christopher Robin 以外,全是布做的玩具娃娃,在真實世界𥚃,他們也都和 Christopher Robin 住在一塊兒,是他最好的玩伴,也是貼心的朋友。

這個故事集是 Christopher Robin 的爸爸寫給他和維尼小熊的床邊故事。他心愛的小熊和小熊所有朋友在故事中都成了主角,每人(這裡先稱他們為人吧,因為他們的內心也和 Christopher 一樣,是可愛的孩子)雖然也有各自的煩惱,多半時間都像小孩一樣快快樂樂的過日子。

這一天,維尼小熊出了家門,走到一棵高大的橡樹下,樹上發出嗡嗡、嗡嗡的聲音。 維尼是個會用腦筋的熊,他想了又想,然後對自己說:這聲音一定是什麼東西弄出來的,而且會弄出這種聲音的東西,沒有別的,肯定是蜜蜂。他又想了一想:做為蜜蜂就是等著做蜂蜜。又説:蜜蜂做蜂蜜沒別的目的,肯定是準備給我吃的。他想著想著,一邊哼著歌兒,一邊慢慢爬上樹去。快爬到樹頂時,站在一根樹枝上休息,一不小心摔了下來。翻了好幾個跟斗,跌進一棵長滿荊棘的樹叢中,沾了一身尖刺。

維尼想到了他的朋友 Christopher Robin.  他問:你有沒有氣球?Christopher 問他要綠色或藍色的氣球。維尼想用氣球載著他上樹取蜂蜜,他説:我若拿綠色的氣球,蜜蜂會以為我是樹葉或樹枝,若是用藍色的氣球,他們會以為我是一小片天空。

Christopher 說:他們會問:那麼氣球下面那團毛茸茸的東西又是什麼?維尼想了一會兒,那我就裝成一片烏雲吧!他到泥灘上滾了一身泥,和 Christopher 一同出發前去採蜂蜜。

氣球載著小熊慢慢飄上樹頂,在蜂窩旁邊停了下來。可是還有一小段距離,小熊聞到蜂蜜的香味,可怎麼也搆不著它。蜜蜂開始嗡嗡、嗡嗡飛過來偵查。小熊向樹底下等候的 Christopher Robin 說:你家中有沒有雨傘?問要雨傘來做什麼用?小熊說道:你撐著傘在樹下走過來又走過去,一面說:看起來要下雨了。那麼蜜蜂會被騙過,認為我只不過是一片黑雲。

Christopher 照做了,可是蜜蜂仍不放過小熊維尼,一群蜜蜂繞著這朶黑雲嗡嗡地飛。小熊對 Christopher  說:我想這些蜜蜂做的蜂蜜可能不好,這些蜜蜂看起來就不對頭。我想我下來吧!有一隻蜜蜂已經飛到他鼻子上,黑雲大叫一聲:我應該下地了。如何下去呢?維尼沒想到過這問題。他想了又想,不想 "碰" 一聲摔到地面上,他叫 Christopher 用玩具槍射氣球。 Christopher 説:我若射中,氣球就完了。維尼說:你若不這麼做,氣球放了手,我也就完了!

Christopher 開槍擊中氣球,氣球慢慢漏氣,小熊也隨著飄回地面。但是他的雙臂由於緊抓著氣球過久僵硬了,兩隻手高舉放不下來接近一個禮拜。蒼蠅飛到他鼻子上,只能吹氣趕走它。我猜想這可能是他得到 Pooh (如噗聲)這個名字的由來吧?

Grace Liu 林豐蓉

【附錄】 硬筆素描 pen and ink of E. H. Shepard, the illustrator of the original version of the book “Winnie the Pooh” - 摹本 ,

譯自 :維尼小熊的故事  Winnie the Pooh
作者:A. A. Milne
插畫:E. H. Shepard










註: 原文記載日期為: 7/24/2003

Tuesday, June 6, 2017









除了擅用恰當的比喻和民俗諺語,他還喜用一連串的排比(對稱性的用語)製造相當程度的韻律感,讓故事節奏更加明快。書中還穿插了一些有趣的類比(analogy) 描述得十分傳神。請見下例:



故事依時序(chronological order) 來寫。從一個個個別的故事或事件鋪陳開來,再綴串成一部如史詩般的鉅作,卻又首尾呼應精神統一,可讀性即高。唯一的缺憾是最後一段屬理論性的篇章,似乎不宜置於小說文本之內,它破壞全篇的節奏韻律及敍述上的統一性,在我看來是可刪除的蛇足。


註:此篇短文曾登「綠緣」雜誌 2007 年刊中。






在 "最後的貴族" 一章中,作者寫康同璧母女兩人的生活態度時這麼寫道:「這時的我,一下子全懂了--- 雖 "坐銷歲月於幽憂困蒄之下而生趣未失,盡可能地保留審美的人生態度和精緻的生活藝術。"」講的是康有為的女兒康同璧,從絢爛回歸平淡的生活取向。她和女兒兩人從不忘苦中作樂,也不忘隨時幫助比她們更不幸的人。在最危難的年代,她不怕被牽連,堅持把兩個大右派章乃器和章伯鈞(作者的父親)邀至家中會唔。」


(補註):原文寫於2006年,曾刊登「綠緣」雜誌 2007 年刊。

Sunday, June 4, 2017

" The Martian "
by Andy Weir


"The Martian" by first time writer Andy Weir reads like a modern day version of "Robinson Crusoe" to me.  The presiding moral of the latter is "God helps those who help themselves".  "The Martian" however adds another component of equal importance on team work to this fantastical novel.  They are both in line with the mainstream thinking of our time.

It is not exactly my cup of tea however.  Still in fairness I want to give credit when it is due.

The minuses first, the writing is too technical to my liking and those descriptions unfortunately take up a big chunk of the book. His writing style is way too offhanded and language less than refined to my taste.   In addition, all the characters in the book are one-dimensional cardboard-like figures and uninteresting except our hero.  While most of the tech enthusiasts embrace the story thinking it a valid scientifically based sci-fi story, some may challenge the plausibility of its storyline like myself.

For example, a lot of things could go wrong being on a strange planet with hostile environment all by himself, and, whenever something bad happened our protagonist always came up with a solution to save himself.  This happened over and over again through out the book.  In the realm of reality the probability works against one in the long run and he stays on the planet of Mars for almost two earth years!  But of course, this is a fictitious tale and I guess in science fiction imagination reins supreme as the first requirement of this genre.

Now come the pluses, the story is indeed well researched in its combining of fiction writing with meticulously gathered scientific data and facts to the point it all comes together and seems real, just like a regular space travelogue if you will, except the off the cuff language.  Amazingly enough it remains quite readable even to a layperson like me who cannot tell the celestial body and knows nearly nothing about the technical stuff he describes in the book.  Even with less than perfect writing style and the unpolished language, the upbeat tone through out in this impelling story may in fact add to the appeal of the book to many.

Given the background in research and knowledge about what he writes about in the story, it still takes a whale of imagination to render the book appealing enough to sci-fi aficionados or regular readers.  Beside, the details of the milieu of the Mars described, the inexhaustible tech gadgets and apparatus offered, and numerous action sequences with some cliff-hangers mixed in between are quite a treat to average readers.  Not to mention the hardcore sci-fi fans who thrive on unlimited provision of novice gadgets as well as strange scenarios manufactured by the storyteller.  All these allow them earthlings hours on end simulating a celestial trip right in the comfort of their own living rooms.

While many sci-fi stories do not measure up in the category of characterization and this one is no exception, I still found the story engrossing enough to read on.  In our hero, his resourcefulness continues to amaze me, his no nonsense approach to problem solving and his perseverance admirable yet unimaginable by regular earthlings such as you and me.  Yet, this is a fantasy story, the norm of the genre is to let your imagination run wild even by bending a bit of reality.  He who helps himself is bound to be helped if not God but by many others.  Like numerous American heroes in history or in imaginary world, we are inclined to root for them throughout their ordeals.  And I am no exception.

Lastly it is genuinely funny.  Humors abundant were inserted here and there even in the direst situations our hero was to encounter which are many.  Humors here are used to unleash tension and restore hope and strength to pull himself out of distress.  To many the reading offers the thrill of a rollercoaster ride which does not want to end, humors also serve as a respite to the tension and suspense the readers in turn have to endure in reading the fast paced and suspense filled story.

The final mission completion scene rewards not only the perseverance of our hero but the team effort of many people including those on the planet of Earth and the crew members in space.  The positive message the story carries is uplifting and the happy ending welcome by most readers, no wonder it becomes NY Times bestseller and a blockbuster movie made shortly after the release of the book.

I like the way the book concludes right upon our protagonist being    rescued safe and sound in space when the story reaches its climax, and not rambling on or adding yet another chapter as the movie version does.  What happened after he returned to the earth would not shed much light and meaningful information. However, most movie fans probably welcome a closure a bit more solid when their hero and his crew finally planted their feet on earth.

Not a bad achievement for the first time novelist Andy Weir.


The Meursault Investigation

"The Meursault Investigation" is the first novel by Algerian writer/journalist Kamel Daoud .  It is the retelling of Albert Camus' 1943 novel " The Stranger", published in Algeria in 2013, only gathered wide circulation after its release in France in 2014.  This is a companion book to be read along side Camus' original.  According to Daoud the author himself said the book was a dialogue with Camus, the author of "The Stranger "《異鄉人》.

The French release won the 2015 Concourt prize for first time novel.  English translation was first published by Other Press in 2015 and received positive reviews which including N Y Times Book Review article written by writer Laila Lalami and excerpt(s) ? from the book appeared in New Yorker magazine in 2015.

Other than the initial accolades it gathered from all directions, the book was also targeted by Islamic clergy ? Who called the writer to be tried for blasphemy as "Apostate".  Daoud lives in Oran, Algeria and worked for "Le Quotidien d'Oran" writing commentaries and other articles for the papers.

Most readers in general held very polarized views for the book.  Negative comments were mainly directed at the book's tiresome and repetitive narratives and dialogues. Details of some plots do not hold water since Harun, the narrator, brother of the deceased Arab in Camus' original story, who regards Camus' original title as non-fiction and continues to ramble on historical details of his brother's death in incoherent manner, fiction or otherwise.

Many consider Daoud's success rides on the fame of his predecessor.  Although "The Meursault Investigation" definitely benefited from "The Stranger", it certainly has its own merit to warrantee such attention around the world since its publication.

The "Meursault" book reads like a rebuttal to "The Stranger" and should be read along side with it.  Better yet read "The Stranger" first and then "Meursault Investigation" like a sequel.  It is also like reading the same story from a different angle, say, an entirely different take.  This time from an Arabian point of view, or the view of the brother of the no-name Arab killed in Camus' "The Stranger".

I like to summarize some of the important tributes of this book in the following section.



同時此書寫的並非只是 Algeria 的故事, 它有更深層的意義以及普及性。書中敍及 Algeria 獨立之前和獨立以後的種種社會問題, 似乎獨立之後這些問題並未獲解決甚至還有惡化跡象,這是整個社會結構的問題。如貧窮愚昩等等並不是短期之間就能獲解決,加上傳統習俗及宗教束縛人們思想行為,改變亦非一蹴可及。 這種現象在世界上許多其他國家如非洲、南美及亞歐若干地區都不斷地發生過類似的情形。

和 《異鄉人》不同的還有幾個子題,書中花不少筆墨描繪主角母子之間的關係及互動。一個自幼基本上被禁錮,沒有思想及身體的自由,甚至到了成年仍和母親拴在一處,活著的目的只為其兄長復仇。然而他只是傀儡,背後牽線的是他母親。和 D.H. Lawrence 的名著《 兒子與情人 》頗相似的故事前提:因兄長英年早逝,母親將僅存的兒子做為哥哥的替代品,兩人彼此互相牽制、愛恨交集、複雜的感情影響了他無法如常人般生活,註定一輩子做孤單的人。心中只剩下永不止息的仇恨及無奈,愛情即使近在眼前也無法握住,在自己家鄕他成了異鄉人。

我覺得此書尚有一個傳承:Samuel Taylor Coleridge 寫的《 古舟子之歌 》長詩中主角古舟子 (水手) 不停的對一個參加婚禮的客人(被他抓住後)就閞始滔滔不絕敍述他數小時長的故事。主角 Harun 也是如此, 他幾乎每晚到酒店喝酒就逮住一位酒客(是否每回都對同一位酒客不得而知)嘮嘮叼叼講述自己的故事,數十年如一日。這首十九世紀的英詩中有強烈的基督教原罪思想,"Meursault" 一書中亦有原罪的影子。Harun 似乎被復仇的對象 Meursault 的神靈附身,他的所做所為愈來愈接近他的敵人,甚至到後來他也和 Meursault 一樣殺了人,殺了一個無足輕重的法國人。這成了他的原罪,在精神上他是 Meursault 的翻版,兩者揉合成一人,你中有我、我中有你分不出誰是誰。

作者 Daoud 是高級知識分子,又用法文寫作。我猜想在 Algeria 或其他法國屬地中的許多知識分子,他們所學所知多半經由法國而來,身為阿拉伯人的他們似乎徘徊在當地人(Algerians) 和法國人之間,對於自己屬於那個陣營很難做出抉擇。他對法國(尤其是文學及文化)是那種既恨又愛的複雜感情,他對許多事情的看法無寧更接近法國人,讓他在自己國家成了異鄉人。

這是一本很不一樣的書。書中有不少精彩的段落和絕妙好句,寫得貼切痛快又幽默。不過書的前半段考驗到讀者的耐心,一直要到全書過半時故事鋪陳才好看起來。關鍵在你必需先讀 Camus 的 《異鄉人》才能暸解這本書在講什麼,為什麼這麼多人讀過又叫好。甚至在斷章截句上,Daoud 也緊跟在 Camus 身後亦步亦趨,注意到他許多話都是對應《異鄉人》中字句作出回應或反駁。

以上為我六月份為 AlmaDen Book Club 做的報告整理而成,並未加入其他人的意見。主觀想法難免寫的也不夠周全,懇請諸位指正。
